Pr David Devos

Le Pr David Devos est Neurologue et Pharmacologue, spécialiste des mouvements anormaux au CHU de Lille.

Fonctions Professeur de Pharmacologie clinique et fondamentale
Expertises et thématiques de recherche Développement de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques (symptomatiques et de « disease modification ») et de biomarqueurs dans la maladie de Parkinson et la sclérose latérale amyotrophique à l’aide d’études translationelles, d’études cliniques et d’essais thérapeutiques de phase I et II
Nombre de publications  > 200
Nombre de projets nationaux et internationaux
  • 30 études dont 14 essais multicentriques et 14 en tant que coordinateur (10 en cours), 4 projets financés par la Commission européenne (H2020) dont 2 en neurosciences (fer, mort cellulaire ferroptotique), 1 large essai clinique européen FAIRPARK-2 et 1 sur le diagnostic sur Covid-19. 
  • 6 brevets conduisant à 3 transferts industriels via cofondation de 3 Start up (InBrain Pharma pour la perfusion cérébrale, InVenis Biotherapies pour les biothérapies à base de plaquettes et CorDial-IT pour les outils de diagnostic). 
Quelques projets phares
  • PREDISTIM: Multicentric study of the predictive factors of the therapeutic response to subthalamic stimulation on the long-term quality of life and study of the pharmacogenetic factors of the L-dopa treatment response in Parkinson’s disease Protocol ID: 2013-A00193-42; NCT02360683
  • PULSE: Multicentric study of the Pronostic valUe of biomarkers in amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis & Endophenotypic study Protocol ID: 2013-A00969-36; NCT02360891
  • FAIR-PARK-II: European multicentric study of Conservative iron chelation as a disease-modifying strategy in Parkinson’s disease: a multicentre, parallel-group, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial of deferiprone; Identifier: NCT02655315
  • FAIR-ALS-II: Conservative Iron Chelation by Deferiprone as a Disease-modifying Strategy for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis using a Multicentre, Parallel-group, Placebo-controlled, Randomized Clinical Trial on 240 patients. Protocol ID: 2017-003763-35; NCT03293069
  • PACTE-I: Potentiation of cognitive functions in healthy elderly by association of methylphenidate and cognitive training: Proof of concept study in order to develop a synergic symptomatic treatment of cognitive disorders before dementia. Protocol ID: 2015_81; NCT03280251
  • PRION-IRON: European funds from (Network of Centres of Excellence in Neurodegeneration (CoEN) (PRION like propagation of synucleinopathy associated with ferroptosis, the IRON dependent cell death): to develop new therapeutic strategies against ferroptosis
  • PARKINSUN: Evaluation of a New Communication Aid Tool to Favor Global Patient Centered Care. Protocol ID: 2018_74 ; NCT04179695
  • DIVE: Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of continuous dopaminergic stimulation by intracerebroventricular administration of anaerobic dopamine conserved in Parkinson's disease at the motor fluctuation stage. Trial Registration: Protocol ID: 2018_49; French Ethical Committee; 2020-000155-12; ID: NCT04332276, academic patents with industrial transfer with a start-up creation: InBrain Pharma 
  • GIFT project (biothérapie: Growth factor preparations from platelets & neuroprotective strategies) 3 patents and one industrial transfer in progress with start-up creation InVenis biotherapies.
  • CorDial-1 patent (methods for detecting a target in a sample using mutated nanobodies) with one industrial transfer in progress with start-up creation CorDial-IT


Mis à jour le 16 janvier 2023